2024. FIR-PRI Finance & Sustainability Awards
- Research Article
- PhD Thesis
- Master Thesis
- Research Grant
- Pedagogical Initiative

Best Research Article
“Model-based financial regulations impair the transition to net zero carbon emissions”
Published in Nature Climate Change 14, 476–481 (2024)

Matteo Gasparini
University of Oxford

Matthew Ives
University of Oxford

Ben Carr
London School of Economics

Sophie Fry
University of Oxford

Eric Beinhocker
University of Oxford

Best PhD Thesis
“Sustainable Finance or Financialization of Sustainability?”

Adrien-Paul Lambillon
University of Zürich

Best Master Thesis
“Financing Biodiversity Conservation: Scale-up of Green Bond Market”

Farhan Aulia Rahman
Utrecht University School of Economics

PhD Research Grant
“Towards impact-based contracting, the case of private equity”

Léo Denis
École Polytechnique

Best Pedagogical Initiative
“Case study “Corporate Tools for Climate Action: An Internal Carbon Price for Getlink?””

Catherine Casamatta
Toulouse School of Economics

Ulrich Hege
Toulouse School of Economics

Sophie Moinas
Toulouse School of Economics

Sébastien Pouget
Toulouse School of Economics

Silvia Rossetto
Toulouse School of Economics
2023. FIR-PRI Finance & Sustainability Awards
- Research Article
- PhD Thesis
- Master Thesis
- Research Grant
- Pedagogical Initiative

Best Research Article
“Do Investors Care About Impact?”
Published in The Review of Financial Studies 00 (2022) 1-51

Florian Heeb
University of Zurich

Julian Kölbel
University of Zurich

Falko Paetzold
University of Zurich

Stefan Zeisberger
University of Zurich

Best PhD Thesis
“Sustainable investment preferences and how they are delegated”

Marten LAUDI
Maastricht University

Best Master Thesis
“The integration of ESG data into the valuation models of asset managers”

ESCP Business School

Best PhD Research Grant
“Financial Constraints and Emission Intensity”

Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH)

Best Pedagogical Initiative
“SuFi – Sustainable Finance Masterclass”

University of Namur

Christel DUMAS
ICHEC Brussels Management School

Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management (ULB)
2022. FIR-PRI Finance & Sustainability Awards
- Research Article
- PhD Thesis
- Master Thesis
- Research Grant
- Pedagogical Initiative

Best Research Article
“Get Real! Individuals Prefer More Sustainable Investments”
Published in The Review of Financial Studies 34 (2021) 3976–4043

Rob Bauer
School of Business and Economics at Maastricht University

Tobias Ruof
School of Business and Economics at Maastricht University

Paul Smeets
School of Business and Economics at Maastricht University

Best PhD Thesis
“Finance et climat : enjeux, risques et organisation”

École Polytechnique

Best Master Thesis
“Bias assessment and mitigation for ESG scoring models”

École Polytechnique

Best Master Thesis
“Lending for Sustainability”

Ha Tuyet Nguyen
BI Norwegian Business School

Yujie Leng
BI Norwegian Business School

Best Research Grant
“The green elephant in the room: Does sustainable investing reduce greenhouse gas emissions?”

Nikolaus Hastreiter
London School of Economics and Political Science

Best Pedagogical Initiative
“Transition Risk Stress – Test Simulation”

SOAS University of London
2021. FIR-PRI Finance & Sustainability Awards
- Research Article
- PhD Thesis
- Master Thesis
- Research Grant
- Pedagogical Initiative

Best Research Article
“Disentangling the effects of hedge fund activism on firm financial and social performance”
Published in Strategic Management Journal, 2020; 41: 1054–1082.

Smeal College of Business at Pennsylvania State University

Rodolphe DURAND
HEC Paris

Best PhD Thesis
“Asset pricing and impact investing with pro-environmental preferences”

Olivier David ZERBIB
Tilburg University

Best Master Thesis
“ESG Controversies’ Media Sources Concentration as a Threat to Responsible Investors”

Anatole DOUAUD
Kedge Business School

Best Research Grant
“Heated bonds? The impact of climate risks on the value of sovereign bonds”

Karolina BASSA
University of Oxford

Best Pedagogical Initiative
“Future-proof your climate strategy: Smart companies are putting their own price on carbon”

Joseph E. ALDY
Harvard Kennedy School

Gianfranco GIANFRATE
EDHEC Business School
2020. FIR-PRI Finance & Sustainability Awards
- Research Article
- PhD Thesis
- Master Thesis
- Research Grant
- Pedagogical Initiative

Best Research Article
“Leverage points in the financial sector for seafood sustainability”
Published in Science Advances, Vol 5, n°10, October 2, 2019.

Jean-Baptiste JOUFFRAY


Beatrice CRONA
— Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University —



Best PhD Thesis
“Finance in the Face of Global Challenges – Essays on the Financial Economics of Climate Change & the Agency Cost of Debt”

Maastricht University

Best Master Thesis
“Superbugs and Super risks: A critical assessment of antibiotic resistance as a frontier topic in responsible and sustainable investment”

Abigail HERRON
University of Cambridge

Best Research Grant
“Managerial Incentives and the Ethics of Corporate Governance”

Nottingham Business School
The Jury has decided not to award a Prize in this category
2019. FIR-PRI Finance & Sustainability Awards
- Research Article
- PhD Thesis
- Master Thesis
- Research Grant
- Pedagogical Initiative
The Jury has decided to award two articles this year giving their high standing and great contribution to the field

Best Research Article
“Fossil Fuel Divestment and Portfolio Performance”


Lammertjan DAM

Machiel MULDER

— University of Groningen (Netherlands) —

Best Research Article
“Creating Common Ground: A Communicative Action Model of Dialogue in Shareholder Engagement”

Fabrizio FERRARO
IESE Business School

Copenhagen Business School (Danemark)

Best PhD Thesis
“Optimal Diversification and the Transition to Net Zero: A Methodological Framework for Measuring Climate Goal Alignment of Portfolio Investors”


Best Master Thesis
“Sustainability bonds, a lever for sustainable economic development in emerging countries?”

Mélanie COMBLE
Kedge Business School

Best Research Grant
“Stranded States? Public Management of Fossil Fuel Asset in the International System”

Oxford University

Best Pedagogical Initiative
“CAS Sustainable Finance” at Haute école de gestion de Genève

HEG Genève

Antoine MACH

Conser Invest
2018. FIR-PRI Finance & Sustainability Awards
- Research Article
- PhD Thesis
- Master Thesis
- Research Grant
- Pedagogical Initiative

Best Research Article
“When do Theories Become Self-fulfilling? Exploring the Boundary Conditions of Performativity”

Emilio MARTI
University of Oxford,
Rotterdam School of Management

Jean-Pascal GOND
City, University of London

Best PhD Thesis
“Corporate Social Responsibility and Capital Markets: Evidence from Mergers and Acquisitions”

Mathieu GOMES (French)
Université Clermont Auvergne – École Universitaire de Management

Best Master Thesis
“Portfolio Analysis Using Water Shadow Pricing: How Valuing Water Risk Can Reduce Carbon Emissions”

Catherine CHISEM (British)
University of Edinburgh Business School

Best Research Grant
“Do investors care about impact? An experimental approach”

Florian HEEB (Swiss)
University of Zürich

Best Pedagogical Initiative
“Two Degree Pathways decision support tool used for Oil majors wargaming at University of Oxford”

Oxford Sustainable Finance Program at the University of Oxford

Oxford Sustainable Finance Program at the University of Oxford

E3G MSc (Master) in Sustainable Finance – ESG Engineering, Asset & Risk Management

Best Pedagogical Initiative
“MSc (Master) in Sustainable Finance – ESG Engineering, Asset & Risk Management”

Christophe Revelli
Kedge Business School
2017. FIR-PRI Finance & Sustainability Awards
- Research Article
- PhD Thesis
- Master Thesis
- Research Grant
- Pedagogical Initiative

Best Research Article
“A Credit Score System for Socially Responsible Lending”



— Universidad de Zaragoza —
The Jury has decided to award two papers this year giving their high standing

Best Master Thesis
“Access to Finance and Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment”

Vanya RUSINOVA (Bulgarian)
Copenhagen Business School

Best Research Grant
“Productivity Loss from Heat and Stock Returns in Europe”

Nora PANKRATZ (German)
Maastricht University

Best Pedagogical Initiative
“Impact Investing, the finance that changes the world! MOOC series”

ESSEC Business School
2016. FIR-PRI Finance & Sustainability Awards
- Research Article
- PhD Thesis
- Master Thesis
- Research Grant
- Pedagogical Initiative

Best Research Article
“Active Ownership”

Elroy DIMSON (British)
University of Cambridge and
London Business School (UK)

Oguzhan KARAKAS (Turkish)
Boston College (USA)

Xi LI (Chinese)
Temple University (USA)

Best PhD Thesis
“Corporate Governance and Firm Performance: The Sustainability Equation?“

Gwenaël ROUDAUT (French)
École Polytechnique

Best Master Thesis
“Communicating Climate Change: How Learning, Language and Leadership Can Impact Institutional Investment Decisions in Australia and the United Kingdom”

Elizabeth HARNETT (British)
University of Oxford

Best Research Grant
“Fiduciary Duty of Financial and Extra-financial Performance in Modern Sustainable (SDGs) and Socially Responsible Investment”

Liudmila STRAKODONSKAYA (Russian)
Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas

Best Pedagogical Initiative
“Sustainability Course – Finance Track”
Course taught at ETH Zürich in 2015

Volker HOFFMANN (German)

Julian KÖLBEL (German)

Falko PAETZOLD (German)
2015. FIR-PRI Finance & Sustainability Awards
- Research Article
- PhD Thesis
- Master Thesis
- Research Grant

Best Research Article
“Does Corporate Social Responsibility Lead to Superior Financial Performance? A Regression Discontinuity Approach”

Caroline FLAMMER (Swiss)
Ivey Business School, University Of Western Ontario (Canada)

Best PhD Thesis
“Finance and Society: On the Foundations of Corporate Social Responsibility”

Hao Liang (Chinese)
Tilburg University (Netherlands)

Best Master Thesis
“Divestment of fossil fuel equities, its financial implications, and alternative asset allocation strategy”

Mayank KUMAR JAIN (Indian)
Imperial College London and Henley Business School (UK)

Best Research Grant
“CSR within morally objectionable businesses: Can what’s done be undone?”

Salma KTAT (Tunisian)
Université des Antilles et de la Guyane
2014. FIR-PRI Finance & Sustainability Awards
- Research Article
- PhD Thesis
- Master Thesis
- Research Grant

Best Research Article
“Loyalty-Shares: Rewarding Long-term Investors”

Patrick BOLTON (French and American)
Columbia University

Frédéric SAMAMA (French)
SWF Research Initiative and Amundi

Best PhD Thesis
“Experimental Studies on Moral Values in Finance: Windfall Gains, Socially responsible investment, and Compensation plans”

Marco HEIMANN (German)
University of Toulouse (France)

Best Master Thesis
“Shale Gas and Hydraulic Fracturing: Risk and Opportunity Analysis for Oil and Gas Companies, Investors and The Future Energy Sector-Lessons from the US”

Theodor COJOIANU (Romanian)
The University of Edinburgh

Best Research Grant
“Developing metrics and tools to help align financial portfolios with climate and energy investment scenarios”

Jakob THOMÄ (German)
Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers
2013. FIR-PRI Finance & Sustainability Awards
- Research Article
- PhD Thesis
- Master Thesis
- Research Grant

Best Research Grant
“Portofolio Greenness and the Financial Performance of REITs”

Piet EICHHOLTZ (Dutch)

Nils KOK (Dutch)

Erkan YONDER (Turkish)
— Maastricht University (Netherlands) —

Best PhD Thesis
“Can Private Equity Funds Foster Corporate Social Responsability?”

Vanina FORGET (French)
École Polytechnique (Department of Economics)

Best Master Thesis
“Payments for Environmental Services and Microfinance: Proyecto Cambio in Nicaragua”

Davide FORCELLA (Italian)
Université libre de Bruxelles

Best Research Grant
“Understanding the Dynamics of Voting on Shareholder Proposals”

Liviu ANDRONIC (Romanian)
IAE Toulouse (France)
2012. FIR-PRI Finance & Sustainability Awards
- Research Article
- PhD Thesis
- Master Thesis
- Research Grant

Best Research Article
“Environmental Policy, Innovation and Performance: New Insights on the Porter Hypothesis”
Published in Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 20 (3), 803-841. 2011.

HEC Montreal – Economics

University of Bern and Oeschger Center for Climate Change


Stefan AMBEC
Toulouse School of Economics

Best PhD Thesis
“Empirical Investigations of the Relationship between Corporate Social and Financial Performance”

Henley Business School & University of Reading

Best Master Thesis
“Socially Responsible Mutual Funds : the impact of fund governance on performance and attractiveness”

Enguerran PETIT
Ecole Centrale de Nantes & Politecnico di Milano

Best Research Grant
“Responsible Investment and the Chinese Stock Market”

Michael L.BARNETT (US)

Xing CHEN (Chinese)

Andreas G. F. HOEPNER (German)

Qian LI (Chinese)
— University of Oxford & University of St Andrews —

Best Research Grant
“Institutional Complexity in a Transition Industry: the Case of Responsible Investment”

Daniela LAUREL (Fl)
Politecnico di Milano

Best Research Grant
“Rethinking Financial Disclosure for Retail Investors: A Tailor-Made Approch based en recent Reforms in Nutritional Labelling”

Elsa SAVOUREY (French)

Daniel LITWIN (Canadian)
— University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne & McGill University —
2011. FIR-PRI Finance & Sustainability Awards
- Research Article
- PhD Thesis
- Master Thesis
- Research Grant

Best Research Article
“Does the Stock Market Fully Value Intangibles? Employee Satisfaction and Equity Prices”
Published in Journal of Financial Economics 101(3), 621-640, September 2011

Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania (US)

Best PhD Thesis
“Institutional Change in the Making – The Case of Socially Responsible Investment”

Diane-Laure ARJALIÈS (France)
ESSEC Business School & Université Paris Ouest Nanterre-La Défense (France)

Best Master Thesis
“Meeting the challenge of impact investing: How can contracting practices secure social impact without sacrificing performance?”

Madeleine EVANS (US)
London School of Economics (UK)

Best Research Grant
“Sustainability Reporting in Capital Markets: A Black Box”

Alexandra DUARTE CORREIA (Portugal)
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Best Research Grant
“Similarity in Values and the Perceived Trustworthiness Of Investment Funds”

Marco HEIMANN (Allemagne)
University of Toulouse and CNRS, France

Best Research Grant
“Does pension funds’ fiduciary duty prohibit the integration of any ESG criteria in investment processes?”

Andreas HOEPNER (Allemagne)
University of St. Andrews, UK
2010. FIR-PRI Finance & Sustainability Awards
- Research Article
- PhD Thesis
- Master Thesis
- Research Grant

Best Research Article
“Stakeholder perspectives on a financial sector legitimation process – The case of NGOs and the Equator Principle”
Published in Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal – 2009 Vol. 22 issue 4

University (Irlande)

Brendan O’DWYER
University (Irlande)
Le jury a décidé de ne pas remettre de Prix dans cette catégorie en 2010

Best Master Thesis
Comprendre et chiffrer la « green value »

Aurélien CHAZEL
Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, France

Best Master Thesis
“Environmental and Corporate Performance – Impact of environmental awards on corporate valuation”

Thibault DAUPHIN (France)
European Business School, Oestrich-Winkel (Allemagne)

Best Research Grant
“ESG in Mainstream Portfolios : a dominant convention perspective”

Christel DUMAS
Université de Gand (Belgique)

Best Research Grant
“Marketization of ethics; does it work? Exploring the scenarios where firm’s social behavior is not reflected in its market performance”

Afshin MEHRPOUYA (Iran)
Essec (France)

Best Research Grant
“What gets measured gets managed? SRI indices and responsible corporate behaviour”

Catharina SLAGER (Hollande)
Nottingham University Business School, UK
2009. FIR-PRI Finance & Sustainability Awards
- Research Article
- PhD Thesis
- Master Thesis
- Research Grant

Best Research Article
“Properties of the Social Discount Rate in a Benthamite Framework with Heterogeneous Degrees of Impatience”
Published in Management Science

School of Business, Clarkson University

Ceremade, Université Paris-Dauphine
(France / Tunisie)

Clotilde NAPP
DRM, Université Paris-Dauphine

Best PhD Thesis
“Corporate Governance and Sustainability in Global property Markets”

Nils KOK
Maastricht University (Netherlands)

Best Master Thesis
“A behavioral finance perspective on sustainable energy environment” decisions”

Mélanie OSCHLIES (Allemagne)
University of St Gallen (Suisse)
Bourse de Recherche
« Instruments financiers »

“Internalisation des externalités dans les grands projets”

Dorothee TEICHMANN (Allemagne)
Université Paris-Dauphine (France)
Bourse de Recherche
« Marketing ISR »

« Concilier solidarité et rentabilité : l’enjeu des performances sociales dans les institutions de microfinance au Sénégal »

Université Paris 1 La Sorbonne (France)

Bourse de Recherche « Social »
“What is the relationship between the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), practices of a firm and the firm’s value/performance”

Oguzhan KARAKAS (Turquie)
London Business School (UK)

London Business School (UK)
2008. FIR-PRI Finance & Sustainability Awards
- Research Article
- PhD Thesis
- Master Thesis
- Research Grant

Best Research Article
“Corporate Social Responsibility and Managerial Entrenchment”

Giovanni CESPA
Universita di Salerno (Italia)

Giacinta CESTONE
Universita di Salerno (Italia)

Best PhD Thesis
“The Economic Virtues of SRI and CSR”

RSM Erasmus & Maastricht Universities

Best Master Thesis
“Corporate Responsibility in Supply Chain Management – Case environmentaly Responsible Procurement”

Helsinki University of Technology (Finlande)

Best Research Grant
“Socially Efficient Discounting under Ambiguity Aversion”

Toulouse School of Economics (Autriche)

Best Research Grant
“Real Options Approach to Valuation of the Voluntary Targets Proposal”

Unversity of Cambridge (Russia)
2006. FIR-PRI Finance & Sustainability Awards
- Research Article
- PhD Thesis
- Master Thesis
- Research Grant

Best Research Article
“On Precautionary Policies”

Pauline Barrieu – France

Best PhD Thesis
“Identifiying and Overcoming Behavioural Impediments to Long Term Responsible Investments-A Focus on UK Institutionnals Investors”

Danyelle GUYATT
Université de Bath

Best Master Thesis
“Risk Management Strategies and Practices in Response to the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme”

Université d’Helsinki – Finlande

Best Research Grant
“Le marché européen du CO2 : efficience et déterminants du prix du quota”

Université Paris X – France

Best Research Grant
“Modélisation du risque dans la finance solidaire : une analyse empirique via l’économie expérimentale”

Université de Rennes 1 – France
2005. FIR-PRI Finance & Sustainability Awards
- Research Article
- PhD Thesis
- Master Thesis

Best Research Article
“The Eco-efficiency Premium Puzzle”

Université Erasmus de Rotterdam

Best PhD Thesis
“Ethical Investment; Processes and Mechanisms of Institutionalisation”

Chercheuse à la Vierick Gent Leuven Management School à Gand (Belgique)

Best Master Thesis
“Environmental Business Accounting in four Finnish Case companies”

Anna Kumpulainen
Université d’Helsinki