FIR-PRI Awards 19th edition 2024 - Competition is open

Cookies informations

What is a cookie ?
Cookies are small text files that are installed on your computer or device when you visit our website.

Purpose of cookies
We use cookies to make your visits on our site more efficient. Cookies also enable us to improve the navigation on our site.

Information collected through cookies
Cookies help us collect information about how you use our website, but we do not store any personally identifiable information in our cookie data.

Types of cookies
Session cookies: Cookies of this type are temporarily stored on your computer or device during a browser session. They are deleted from your computer or device at the end of the browsing session.

Cookie management
The menu of most browsers has options to manage your cookies by setting or configuring your cookie settings. Generally, the browser offers you to:
– Display your cookies
– Authorize cookies;
– Disable all cookies, or only specific cookies;
– Disable all cookies when you close your browser;
– Block cookies;
– Be informed when you receive a cookie.

Please note that unless you have set your browser settings to refuse cookies, our system will issue cookies as soon as you visit our site.

For further information about cookies, you can visit the CNIL website (in French) :